Analyzing Leadership
Analyzing Controversial Leadership Lessons

Although I was fascinated by all five lessons, Sentari Minor(2023) detailed in the article: Five Unspoken, Perhaps Controversial, Lessons Every Aspiring Leader Should Know.
I particularly chose to discuss and further analyze the first lesson shared:
“Your actual job (and №1 priority) should be making your manager’s job easier.” (Minor, 2023)
I agree with this statement and believe it is a very important standard, especially when working for a cross-functional organization. I can see the controversy Minor speaks of, as I do feel this objective is easier when leaders have a clear line of the hierarchy in the organizational structure and set boundaries, more so, “demand psychological safety.”(Minor, 2023) For example, department heads (managers) must coordinate with the director and then respond and manage their particular divisions. By defining the organizational structure, leadership can organize team effort and further understand team morale. As Sentari Minor wrote,
“be open to the concept of being fiercely committed to moving your boss’ agenda forward.” (Minor, 2023).
Clarifying tasks before your manager asks you to do so is quintessential. I am at a place where I can understand expectations and style. I admit I am hesitant at times due to rejection. In reflection I am human; I make mistakes and can improve my communication.
Minor, S. (2023). LinkedIn.