A little over a year ago, I wrote an opinion piece expressing my concern about the DNC’s refusal to support another potential primary candidate.
Specifically, I claimed the Democratic National Committee is doing a great disservice by not progressing with a traditional primary election for the Democratic Party by allowing the American public to hear a debate between the current sitting president and potential candidates Robert Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson.
Now, with the 2024 presidential vote just months away and RJK JR running as an independent, I wonder if the DNC has reconsidered their chosen primary candidate, President Biden.
Moreover, does the DNC regret not allowing the American people the opportunity to hear from other potential Democratic presidential nominees?
According to a poll answered by Republicans, Democrats, independents, and undecided voters, President Joe Biden’s average job approval has only decreased. In June of 2023, President Joe Biden’s average approval rating was 41.8 and a disapproval rating of 56.1, as reported by (RCP,2023)[1]

As the chart reveals, in June 2024, there was an increase in the disapproval rating of President Biden.Specifically, on average, the 2024 polling explains that 60% of Americans now disapprove of how President Biden is acting as commander and chief.

Furthermore, there is no coincidence that the decrease in approval aligns with President Biden’s horrific performance in CNN’s presidential debate vs. RNC’s primary candidate, President Trump, on June 27, 2024.
The debate highlighted that Americans deserve transparency regarding President Biden’s leadership ability.
With doubt growing throughout the Democratic party, in ABC’s 2 most recent sit-down with the President, reporter George Stephanopoulos, acting as a nonpartisan journalist, profoundly raised genuine questions of concern.
During the interview, Stephanopoulos asked President Biden questions about his mental acuity and whether he could reveal to the American people any results from his last cognitive exam[2].President Biden seemed agitated by this line of questioning and claimed, “He takes a cognitive test as President every day.”
Unfortunately, the interview affirmed that President Biden no longer possesses the mental fitness required to be commander in chief. Even the simplest of questions, perhaps asked during the interview, raised grave concern. Stephanopoulos asked President Biden, “Did you ever watch the debate afterward?” Biden responded, “I don’t think I did, no.” Considering that less than two weeks have passed since the debate, is it okay that the President cannot respond with a clear yes, or no?
He either did, or he didn’t.
Additionally, since the CNN presidential debate and ABC’s one-on-one interview with President Biden, the White House response has been nothing but deflection. On Monday, July 8, the most chaotic White House press briefing unfolded, with press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre under direct fire from frustrated journalists.
As Micheal D. Shear from the New York Times reported[3], “Karine Jean-Pierre repeatedly dodged and refused to answer questions about the President’s health.” For example, the unconcealed official white house visitors log revealed that Dr. Kevin Canard, a Walter Reed National Military Medical Center neurologist specializing in movement disorders, visited the White House eight times in eight months.
Problematically, Ms. Pierre diligently refused to talk about Dr. Cannard or to acknowledge his visits to the White House. Explicitly, Pierre claimed, “security reasons” and that the doctor deserved a “measure of privacy,” even though the visitor log is public information.
Journalists in the room were frustrated by this form of deception.
Hence, I wonder what the DNC’s action plan is, considering that it seems the American public is losing faith in President Biden.
Politicians are meant to represent the voices of the American people. Thus, who does President Biden represent?
Or better yet, who is representing Biden??
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Written By: Kayla Calderwood